Friday 21 June 2013

Lautech Female Student Killed With Eyes & Private Parts Removed

This is a Very Sad and disturbing News, a Lautech female student was found Dead yesterday 20th of June 2013. Her dead body was discovered behind a Popular Hotel in the Under G School Area of the school..

The lady has been Missing Since Sunday 16th June. Her brain, eye and breast has been removed and her pubic hair was shaved. She is said to be an 100L Accounting Student. I cant say for sure if this was a ritual thing or just murder, although all fingers point out to rituals. Its terribly sad. I pray God consoles her family and the perpetrators of this crime will not go unpunished.
See pictures below. Pls if you dont have the guts to look, dont click cos images are very graphic.

1 comment:

  1. This is so barbaric! May God expose and punish the perpetrtors of this nefarious act in Jesus name (Amen) Rip young lady. So sad
