Sunday 9 June 2013

Prezzo Divorces Wife!

So this guy was even married and was touring all over the world with Goldie (RIP) and screwing the hell outta her....(Arghhhhh!....I dey vex jor)
The long battle between Prezzo and his embattled wife Daisy Jematia Kiplagat in court finally reached a resolve earlier this week. Prezzo’s wife filed for a divorce 13months (May 2012) ago at the High Court in Nairobi, Kenya. Prezzo real name Jackson Makini did not defend it. High Court Judge-Luka Kimaru
granted Daisy’s application and ordered Prezzo to pay a monthly upkeep of Sh50,000 for their baby born in March 2009.

Daisy told the court in her evidence that Prezzo had committed adultery with various women and particularly a former model, Joy Wanjohi. Prezzo had also been verbally abusive causing her mental stress and anxiety. He physically abused her and failed to abide by his financial responsibilities.

Other allegations raised by Daisy against her former husband were that he drinks alcohol heavily and consumes narcotic drugs almost on a daily basis after which he subjects her to verbal and physical abuse.


  1. Bukie u have not updated ur blog for hrs now wetin na? Abi u dey sleep?Answer me jor!!!
