Thursday 20 June 2013


Why do some women do this. Where did they get the the guts from? Its a sin before God and man. If you dont want the baby, use a CONDOM. If you dont like condoms, after the "doing", use a contraceptive e.g Postinor2. I am not here to encourage drugs....but carrying a baby for 9months and trying to KILL that baby is first degree MURDER.
A 400 Level female student of the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Obafemi Awolowo University named Oyin, reportedly tried to flush a baby down the toilet after giving birth to the boy early hours of
Wednesday. It was gathered that the cry of the baby attracted one of the cleaners attached to Moremi Hall Block B. When the woman moved closer to where the new born baby was crying, she was alarmed when she saw blood seeping out of the door of one the toilets and immediately alerted other cleaners who assisted in forcing the door of the toilet open. On gaining access, the cleaners met the student pouring water inside the closet with the head of the baby turned down. One of the cleaners was said to have removed the baby who was alive but bleeding from the nose. The attention of the school management was promptly drawn to the incident, who ordered that both the girl and the baby be rushed to Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital, Ile-Ife for treatment.

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