Saturday 29 June 2013

Was "Aki's" Father Murdered?

Nollywood actor, Chinedu Ikedieze AKA Aki, lost his father Pa Michael Ikedieze Ogbonnaya Okoronkwo on May 19, 2013. The man reportedly died after a brief illness at the age of 73. But from the rumors making rounds now and from the choice of words of Aki's statement during the funeral, I begin to wonder what they are all insinuating.
 In Aki's words,
 “papa, I know you as a peaceful man who never looked for anyone’s trouble. 
 You never hurt anyone and so diligently you trained us that we may train you in return. 
After suffering that we may become better people in life, the wicked people came 
and took you away from us. Now, we’ve made fame and wealth, which you craved for, 
but you are nowhere around to enjoy it with us.”

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