Sunday 30 June 2013

What Sunday means in Nigeria now.

The daylight robbery of many feeble minded Africans continues today as it has been happening every Sunday. Today money will change hand from a widow who can't cope with feeding her children to a conman who has a Jet, today money will change hand from hard working single career ladies to a man who sleeps around (unknowingly to the ladies) with some other ladies in promise of life partners and says he is of god, today money will also change hands from young men seeking employment who can barely pay their rent to another man who has got several properties around the world. Today also the parents of the kid dying of cancer would be made to belief they have not given enough and would be conned of their life saving by a man who can afford to take his family around the world if any health issue befalls his family. Today millions of dollars would leave poor African neighborhoods into the hands of men who do not invest in these communities; men that own expensive universities which the member of their congregation can hardly afford to send their children.... This is what Sunday has come to be for most people.


  1. Well said, but I believe in keeping the Sabbath day holy with or without money. I believe in fellowshipping with believers as the Bible says we should, with or without money. The way I see it, I don't need money to worship at church, neither do i need money to be blessed by the word of God. I still go to church to seek the Lord every Sunday with or without money.

  2. I feel u B......but do not judge.
